
FEAR 9.0

ON THIS TEAM: Ross Abrams, Noah Bernstein, Neeraj Bhogavilli, Derek Chan, Thomas Dobrowits, Grace Dykeman, Alexander Franklin, Jamison Gaffney, Piper Grimes, Spencer Gronik, Charles Hartenstein, Eado Ishak, Maxwell Jacobson, Miranda Johnstone, Paige Kieselburg, Shannon Killberg, Ethan King, Matthew Korfhage, Hannah Kovnar, Dylan Kroll, Philip Lewander, Christopher Lipscomb, Yanni Ma, Emma Maertz, Tatiana McDonnell, Caitlin Norton, Owen O’Donoghue, Benjamin Orman, Ian Ormsby, Grant Probst, David Rector, Ben Schafer, Eli Semler, Angelo Spolar, Justin Sturycz, Alexavier Sudemir, Thomas Vielmetti, Connor Vierk, Sophia Vierk, Khiem Vu, Quinlan Walinder, Cecilia Weseman, Michael Wied, Jacob Williams, Louisa Wood, Ethan Zentner


While this season will look different, we are confident the new team-based opportunities will allow our participants to have a fulfilling season, as we continue to execute the mission of FIRST and inspire the next generation of our future science and technology leaders – the same mission that has guided us for more than 30 years – FIRSTInspires.org.