
FEAR 10.0 – 2022


Northern Lights Regional – (Duluth, MN) – Rank 11

Wisconsin Regional – (Milwaukee, WI) – Rank 11

World Championships (Houston, TX) – Galileo Division – Rank 24


Woodie Flowers Finalist Award – Todd Gaulke (Northern Lights Regional)

Excellence in Engineering Award (Northern Lights Regional)

Engineering Inspiration Award (Wisconsin Regional)

ON THIS TEAM: Golan Altman-Shafer, Steven Bahringer, Noah Bernstein, Neeraj Bhogavilli, Bella Bianchini, Preston Bohnsack, Matthew Boyer, Devin Cass, Derek Chan, Peter Clausen, Ben Dobrowits, Thomas Dobrowits, Jackson Ford, Alexander Franklin, Jamison Gaffney, Jack Graskamp, Sean Gray, Piper Grimes, Spencer Gronik, Samuel Hall, Nikhil Harvey, Claire Heilmann, Avery Heltsley, Ziddane Isahaku, Eado Ishak, Nick Ivanov, Terrence Johnson, Miranda Johnstone, Ari Kaswan, Zach Kiefer, Paige Kieselburg, Ethan King, Dylan Kroll, Jonathan Lee, Mason Lee, Rachel Liebnitz, Taylor Lipscomb, Emma Maertz, Nathanael Meinhardt, Caitlin Norton, Daniel Orman, Kamila Patris, Elijah Peil, Nolan Price, Grant Probst, David Rector, Ivan Rivera-Mendez, Ben Schaefer, Emmett Schreiber, Eitan Shamah, Angelo Spolar, Justin Sturycz, Xavier Sudemir, Marshall Vielmetti, Sophia Vierk, Delaney Voigt, Keagan Voigt, Quinlan Walinder, Breeanna Walker, Zach Weidner, Jacob Williams, Gideon Woehl, Maddie Wooten, Anjai Yera, Ethan Zentner, Ethan Zimmer


During our 10th year of Nicolet FEAR, we have welcomed the largest rookie class since our inaugural season. We are confident that these rookies will allow the team to excel as we head into competition. We ensure that the mission of FIRST, engaging young people in programs that encourage critical thinking and innovation, will pass on to these new members and inspire innovation among the next generation of STEM leaders.
