ON THIS TEAM: Kieran Agterberg, Kaeson Black, Sidney Brod, Adrian Carter, Karen Chen, Samuel Choice, Francisco Cid-Rodriguez, Thomas Croft, Mateo Crueger-Monterroso, Lieschen (Lili) du Plessis, Derek Dziengel, Matthew Fox, Jennifer Froh, Andrew Gaulke, Elizabeth (Libby) Geboy, Michael Goldstein, Taylor Hansen, Madeleine Haworth, Sean Hupfauf, Ayman (Napsy) Isahaku, Noah Kennedy, Evan Kerkman, Jeffrey Keyser, Anna Larson Girton, Roman Lyons, Sedgwick Martin, Wayne Martin, Jackson Melchert, Ryan Morton, Michael Motarjeme, Martin Muenster, Sam Noll, Helene O’Connor, Ian O’Connor, Patrick O’Hare, Mary Placek, Mitchell Reed, Michael (Paco) Reyes, Cameron Rigby, Quinn Rosen, Evan Rotter, Lonnie Slocum, Thaddeus Smith, Maksim Sorin, Jordan Strouse, Brendan Tan, Elizabeth Tong, Wallace Watler, Georgia Wood, Van Wydeven, Niko Wynn-Beavers, Aaron Zetley, Henry Zither
RECYCLE RUSH℠ is a recycling-themed game played by two Alliances of three robots each. Robots score points by stacking totes on scoring platforms, capping those stacks with recycling containers, and properly disposing of pool noodles, representing litter. In keeping with the recycling theme of the game, all game pieces used are reusable or recyclable by teams in their home locations or by FIRST® at the end of the season. During the build season, our team was able to create a robot that, along with the performance of our drivers and human player, placed second at the Northern Lights Regional Competition in Duluth, Minnesota. Along with this, we were able to greatly expand our business and community outreach departments as well as win the UL Safety Award at the same aforementioned competition.