Past Teams
During our 10th year of Nicolet FEAR, we have welcomed the largest rookie class since our inaugural season. We are confident that these rookies will allow the team to excel as we head into competition. We ensure that the mission of FIRST, engaging young people in programs that encourage critical thinking and innovation, will pass on to these new members and inspire innovation among the next generation of STEM leaders. >2020-2021
While this season will look different, we are confident the new team-based opportunities will allow our participants to have a fulfilling season, as we continue to execute the mission of FIRST and inspire the next generation of our future science and technology leaders – the same mission that has guided us for more than 30 years -
SEASON PROJECT - Infinite: Recharge
Throughout history, great civilizations have risen, then fallen. Now it’s our turn to rise—building and bolstering our own planetary metropolis. This 2019-2020 season, FIRST RISE℠, powered by Star Wars: Force for Change, is setting out to inspire citizens of the galaxy to work together, strengthening and protecting the Force that binds us and creating a place where collaboration and collective wisdom can elevate new ideas and foster growth - FIRST - 2019
ON THIS TEAM: Ross Abrams, Alex Acker, Benjamin Acker, Matthias Baker, Abe Blumin, Caleb Boppre, Kameron Boser, Wyatt Chang, Thomas Dobrowits, Jem Emir, Joyce Essuman, Jamison Gaffney, Matthew Gauss, Brandon Gonzales, Octavia Grimes, Spencer Gronik, Gabriel Guralnick, Max Hampel, Charles Hartenstein, Emilie Haworth, Cassie Herda, Joseph Hill, Maxwell Jacobson, Mitchell Johnstone, Cameron Jungers, Leighton Kennedy, Paige Kieselburg, Shannon Killberg, Jordan King, Andrew Kline, Matthew Korfhage, Hannah Kovnar, Sam Kovnar, Maxwell Krug, Mason Lee, Svetlana Lerner, Aviva Levin, Philip Lewander, Christopher Lipscomb, Raevaughn Lord-Huertas, Nhut Ly, Yanni Ma, Michelle Markuson, Mustafa Maykhan, Tatiana McDowell, Elhadi Mohamed, Natanel Monosov, Ryan Mortonson, Caitlin Norton, Owen O'Donoghue, Langdon Oldenburg, Benjamin Orman, Ian Ormsby, Jonathan Parkes, John Paul Penoske, David Rector, Jacob Secunda, Alexander Stelzer, Autumn Stelzer, Justin Sturycz, Alexavier Sudemir, Megan Sullivan, Allan Synowicz, Thomas Vielmetti, Connor Vierk, Keagon Voigt, Khiem Vu, Quinlan Walinder, Daniel Whitney, Michael Wied, Gideon Woehl, Caspar Woehl-Sauvignon, Felix Woehl-Sauvignon, Louisa Wood, Konstantin Yenikeyeff-Plested, Amelia Zentner, and David Zhang.
This year, FIRST® is going farther than any FRC robot has gone before: Deep Space! This game features three separate ships that need to be loaded with cargo and hatches, as well as a multi-level endgame. Along with the brand new Sandstorm Period, this game is going to be an exciting challenge! To learn more about this game, watch the video below.2017-2018
ON THIS TEAM:Ross, Matthias, Kameron, Charles, Maxwell, Matthew, Philip, Mia, Christopher, Yanni, Tatiana, Owen, Langdon, Benjamin, Joshua, Alexander, Connor, Louisa, Wyatt, Matthew, Gabriel, Joseph, Daniel, Mitchell, Cameron, Sigards, Leighton, Antwaun, Jordon, Andrew, Michelle, Mustafa, Daniel, Jacob, Amelia, Alex, Benjamin, Brandon, Octavia, Max, Emilie, Cassie, Sam, Patrick, Aviva, Nhut, Natanel, Johnathan, John Paul, William, Yair, Matthew, Anna, Autumn, Megan, Caspar, Felix, Elijah, Evan, Emily, Mateo, Noah, Lucas, and Nathaniel.
FIRST® POWERUP℠ is this year’s game. It involves tilting scales and switches in the teams favor in order to score points. As well, the end game includes having to climb the scale in order to obtain more points. The alliance with more points will win the round. For more info, watch the video below.2016-2017
ON THIS TEAM: Alex Acker, Ben Acker, Kieran Agterberg, Elijah Albrecht, Jack Berry, Kaeson Black, Benjamin Breland, Evan Brown, Adrian Carter, Donovan Carter, Wyatt Chang, Emily Chester, Francisco Cid-Rodriguez, Dylan Cramer, Mateo Crueger-Monterroso, Ajay Dieckmann, Andrew Gaulke, Matthew Gauss, Brandon Gonzales, Alex Grosenik, Gabriel Guralnick, Dylan Hall, Noah Hallerman, Max Hampel, Emilie Haworth, Cassie Herda, Joseph (Joey) Hill, Lucas Houchin-Miller, Ayman (Napsy) Isahaku, Cameron Jungers, Sigards Kakulis, Julie Kastner, Leighton Kennedy, Noah Kennedy, Evan Kerkman, Jordan King, Andrew Kline, Sam Kovnar, Daniel Lund, Roman Lyons, Yair Macagon, Zachary Marek, Michelle Markuson, Guinevere Matheis, Mustafa Maykhan, Parker McMahan, Kailoni Montgomery, Ryan Morton, Patrick O'Hare, Jonathan Parkes, John Paul Penoske, Michael (Paco) Reyes, William Rigby, Maria Sanfilippo, Matthew Schiff, Jacob Secunda, Lonnie Slocum, Thaddeus Smith, Autumn Stelzer, Allen Stribling IV, Daniel Sturycz, Megan Sullivan, Brendan Tan, Jake Tarnowski, Jessica Tuszynski, Samuil (Sam) Veytsman, Wallace Watler, Daniel Whitney, Ethan Wible, Georgia Wood, Konstantin Yenikeyeff-Plested, and Amelia Zentner.
This years game was called STEAMWORKS℠. The main objective of the game is to collect balls to throw into "boilers" and gears to load into the central tower/airship. As well, the robots had to climb up a rope attached to the central tower to score points. Watch the video for a visual and explanation of how the game will work.2015-2016
ON THIS TEAM: Alex Acker, Ben Acker, Kieran Agterberg, Elijah Albrecht, Yogev Ben-Yitschak, Kaeson Black, Connor Calderon, John Campbell, Adrian Carter, Dayvin Cheney, Emily Chester, Francisco Cid-Roderigez, Dylan Cramer, Thomas Croft, Connor Deuser, Liechen (Lili) du Plessis, Derek Dziengel, Jennifer Froh, Andrew Gaulke, Noah Hallerman, Max Hampel, Emilie Haworth, Cassie Herda, Charles Herrenbruck, Lucas Houchin-Miller, Sean Hupfauf, Ayman (Napsy) Isahaku, Noah Kennedy, Evan Kerkman, Jeffrey Keyser, Ilya Kravtsov, RaeVaughn Lord-Huertas, Daniel Lund, Roman Lyons, Caroline Marowski, Sedgwick Martin, Guinevere Matheis, Animesh Mohapatra, Kailoni Montgomery, Ryan Morton, Martin Muenster, Emma Nischke, Helene O'Connor, Patrick O'Hare, Jonathan Parkes, Michael Rabenn, Doran Redlich, Mitchell Reed, Michael (Paco) Reyes, William Rigby, Maria Sanfilippo, Matthew Schiff, Lonnie Slocum, Thaddeus Smith, Maksim Sorin, Jordan Strouse, Daniel Sturycz, Megan Sullivan, Brendan Tan, Jake Tarnowski, Elizabeth Tong, Sam Veytsman, Wallace Watler, Brett Weiss, Daniel Whitney, Casper Woehl, Felix Woehl, Georgia Wood, Van Wyndeven, Cai (John) Yang, Konstantin Yenikeyeff-Plested, Henry Zitzer,
FIRST® STRONGHOLD℠ is a medieval tower defender game in which two ALLIANCES of three Teams each select DEFENSES to fortify their OUTER WORKS before competing simultaneously to score points while BREACHING the opponent's OUTER WORKS and CAPTURING the opponent's TOWER. Our robot penetrated enemy defenses and delivered balls into low goals. We placed thirtieth at Northern Lights, and thirty-first at Wisconsin regional.
ROBOKNIGHT is Nicolet FEAR's preseason project for the 2015-2016 season. Our team's goal was to create a robot that would participate at a variety of school events, such as distributing t-shirts for people in attendance at an event. The robot we create will incorporate elements of both school spirit and team spirit in the forms of logos of our school, the actual design of the robot itself, or other attention getters that will make sporting and other events more fun and enjoyable for attendees. Ultimately, the purpose of this pre-season project is to educate the team on how to design and create a robot, while at the same time allowing our team to further reach out to the Nicolet community. Roboknight will attend a variety of school events such as fundraisers, pep rallies, and sporting events; and hopefully raise more awareness for the Nicolet FEAR team as well as gain more support and interest in engineering and robotics.
ON THIS TEAM: Kieran Agterberg, Kaeson Black, Sidney Brod, Adrian Carter, Karen Chen, Samuel Choice, Francisco Cid-Rodriguez, Thomas Croft, Mateo Crueger-Monterroso, Lieschen (Lili) du Plessis, Derek Dziengel, Matthew Fox, Jennifer Froh, Andrew Gaulke, Elizabeth (Libby) Geboy, Michael Goldstein, Taylor Hansen, Madeleine Haworth, Sean Hupfauf, Ayman (Napsy) Isahaku, Noah Kennedy, Evan Kerkman, Jeffrey Keyser, Anna Larson Girton, Roman Lyons, Sedgwick Martin, Wayne Martin, Jackson Melchert, Ryan Morton, Michael Motarjeme, Martin Muenster, Sam Noll, Helene O'Connor, Ian O'Connor, Patrick O'Hare, Mary Placek, Mitchell Reed, Michael (Paco) Reyes, Cameron Rigby, Quinn Rosen, Evan Rotter, Lonnie Slocum, Thaddeus Smith, Maksim Sorin, Jordan Strouse, Brendan Tan, Elizabeth Tong, Wallace Watler, Georgia Wood, Van Wydeven, Niko Wynn-Beavers, Aaron Zetley, Henry Zither
RECYCLE RUSH℠ is a recycling-themed game played by two Alliances of three robots each. Robots score points by stacking totes on scoring platforms, capping those stacks with recycling containers, and properly disposing of pool noodles, representing litter. In keeping with the recycling theme of the game, all game pieces used are reusable or recyclable by teams in their home locations or by FIRST® at the end of the season. During the build season, our team was able to create a robot that, along with the performance of our drivers and human player, placed second at the Northern Lights Regional Competition in Duluth, Minnesota. Along with this, we were able to greatly expand our business and community outreach departments as well as win the UL Safety Award at the same aforementioned competition. VIEW FULL GALLERY
ON THIS TEAM: Matthew Aussem, Kaeson Black, Ben Brod, Sid Brod, Andrew Chandler, Kelly Chen, Dayvin Cheney, Derek Dziengel, Brendan Farnum, Patrick Fliess, Antwain Fowler, John Froh, Andy Gaulke, Anna Yael Girton, Aleksandra Gurneau, Taylor Hansen, Madeleine (Madee) Haworth, Sean Hupfauf, Noah Kennedy, Jeffrey Keyser, Josh Knight, Jeremy Koritzinsky, Sedgwick Martin, Wayne Martin, Peter (Davis) Mattingly, Jack Melchert, Ellie Mittlestadt, Michael Motarjeme, Martin Muenster, Natalie Muenster, ian O’Connor, Andrew Pagel, Stefan Peterson, Brandon Pick, Mary Placek, Mitchell Reed, Ann Richards, Cameron Rigby, Quinn Rosen, Evan Rotter, Jordan Strouse, Jacob Tait, Elizabeth Tong, Amy Vanderhaut, Cierra Vine, Justin Wallace, Christopher Welker, Daniel Whittle, Georgia Wood, Van Wydeven, Niko Wynn-Beavers, David Xiong, Ryan Yelton, Aaron Zetley, Henry Zitzer
AERIAL ASSIST℠ is played by two competing Alliances of three robots each on a flat 25’ x 54’ foot field, straddled by a truss suspended just over five feet above the floor. The objective is to score as many balls over the truss and into the goals as possible during the match. There is an Autonomous Period in which robots operate independently of driver. Alliances receive large bonuses for “assists,” which are earned for each robot that has possession of the ball in a zone as the ball moves down the field. Nicolet FEAR 4786 played a large roll in each of the competitions they participated in. Our main goal when building the robot was to score in the high goal. We created a catapult type robot, but due to mechanical issues, we we’re only able to push the balls into the lower goals. Which proved quite successful in our alliances and competitions we attended.
ON THIS TEAM: Cullen Billhartz, Kelly Chen, Dimitry Chichelnitskly, Nasir Childs, Gabe Ferns, Nathan Franz, Christian Fox, Michael “Ben” Gaudynski, Aleksandra Gurneau, Mercedes Halaska, Madeline Haworth, Andi Heffez, Austin Her, Kendall Holloway, Kevin Keyser, Daniel Lerner, Zach Lisko, Cormac Mahalik, Desmond Marion-Moore, Peter Mattingly, Ellie Millstad, Michael Motarjeme, Jonathan Norcross, Aislinn O’Dwyer, Zack Pagel, Stefan Peterson, Will Placek, Brandon Pick, Evan Rotter, Jordan Strouse, Nick Sullivan, Joe Tarnowski, Jomo Taylor, Jacob Tait, Justin Wallace, James Watson, Chris Welker, Daniel Wheeler, Daniel Whittle, David Xiong, Aaron Zetley
ULTIMATE ASCENT℠ is a two tiered game played by two alliances made of three teams. Robots score points by launching Frisbees through goals, or climbing up their alliance pyramid. During our rookie build season, our team was able to create and build two identical robots that, scored points by climbing up the pyramid. Stephan was one of the best human players, scoring many points for our alliances by launching Frisbees into the goals across field. Overall our rookie season was a memorable learning experience, opened up our new team to good relations with other teams.