January 28, 2016

Director Blogs 1/28/16

The plans for the drive base are in the progress of being approved and the outer section of the drive base is currently being made. Game Mechanics have been concentrating hard on designing the bot and have finalized a design to begin prototyping. Electrical finished the design for the electrical board; they will continue refining this based on future needs. The programming department has continued working on the PID and autonomous codes and has much of the autonomous largely completed. Spec Ops has successfully built ALL of the team defenses, human player station, the batters, and castle goals. Our practice field for our bot is almost complete and Spec Ops aims to begin working on the Pit area along with cave organization.

Strategy has brainstormed tests for drivers and human players and has been hard at work finishing specifications of the functions of our strategy. In the next few weeks they plan on finding scouts and further refining our scouting app. The business team created a logo for anonymous donors, finalized a game T-shirt design, printed many buttons to be made later on, and finalized our Chairman’s Award submission. Community Outreach has continued talking to potential sponsors and is working on the junkyard bot for competitions.