Director Progress 2/11/16
Special Operations set up the field for drivers tests in the basement. For our robot reveal on February 17th, they are currently decorating the defenses that we are using . They also put up the front of the pit in the hallway and are ready to begin the electrical work on it by next week. Another project Spec. Ops. is working on are awards, and have finished all the wood bases and just need to order more supplies for the other parts. Programming has been able to finish the majority of the code for the main game mech part of the robot, however, they are continuing to tie up loose ends in regards to the PID. Electrical has finished mounting all of the components to their main electrical board and put together a backup board just in case. Robot design and manufacture is continuing work refining and constructing parts for the main game playing mechanism. Drive has made great strides in continuing the construction of the drive base and is nearing completion.
Business has been hard at work manufacturing more buttons (about 4,400 as of right now) along with designing our standard for the competition. Furthermore, they have continued updates on the blog and social media. The community outreach department has continued to send letters to local businesses in the hopes of gaining more sponsors and has also been able to complete our Entrepreneurship Award submission. Our Strategy team finished much of their testing and is currently in the process of deciding the individuals who should be a part of our competition team. They have also begun educating people about the uses of a scouting app made by a junior mentor on our team.