February 20, 2016

Director Progress 2/20/16

Special operations department has been working hard, completing the decorations for the defenses used at our robot reveal. They continue their work on the various awards we are to hand out to other teams, and are aiding in some more pit organization. Robot design and manufacture is finishing their touch-ups on our final competition robot. Their basic design is complete, and our drive base is working very well; however, a few fixes are still needed before we can fully bag the robot for ship day. Electrical department has finished the main electrical board for the competition robot, and is continuing their work on a backup board in case of a main board failure.

Business and community outreach departments have been working mostly with finalizing logos for the robot and trailer, along with a few items needed for the competition. Name tags, brochures, our team business plan, and designs for awards are all items that these departments have been working on this past week. Strategy department is continuing their work deciding which individuals are to be a part of the scouting team for our competitions. Additionally, they have continued their work on the scouting app we are choosing to use, getting it ready for use at the competitions.