March 11, 2017
Last weekend, Nicolet FEAR competed at the Northern Lights Regionals, in Duluth, Minnesota. While our team did not secure any ranking points, we did well in average points contributed (known as OPR), and even came home with an award. Nicolet FEAR is now a proud recipient of the Jack Kamen Imagery Award, given to a... READ MOREFebruary 25, 2017
Outing at Holy Family
We sent some representatives - including Sir Lance-a-bot - to Holy Family where we were joined by human representatives from Pius High School and 1732 Hilltopper Robotics. READ MOREFebruary 20, 2017
Dinner – By Toppers
Napoleon Bonaparte once said "An army marches on its stomach", and the same is true of a robotics team. It takes a lot to feed that many hungry teenagers, and we are lucky our local sponsor Topper's Pizza came through... READ MOREFebruary 20, 2017
Sussex Wrap-up
While Sussex-Hamilton mini regional may not have been the stunning stunt it was for a few teams (looking at you 269, Cooney Tech), we did successfully demonstrate our movement and vision code, a major achievement for our Control and RDM departments. READ MOREFebruary 18, 2017
Letting off STEAM
Today, as build season begins to draw to a close, we at Nicolet FEAR took a half hour to enjoy the unusually warm weather. READ MOREFebruary 16, 2017
Take a Look!
Our robot is entering the final assembly phase, and we in the Media Department got some pictures to share with you! READ MOREFebruary 14, 2017
Sparks Fly on Valentine’s Day!
In honor of Valentine's Day, here is a gallery of sparks flying in FEAR's fab lab. READ MOREFebruary 9, 2017
Safety FIRST!
One of the things we as a team are most proud of is our safety and certification system. Our founding and head mentor, Mr. Adam Thiel, invented the now spreading ZipTie System. What is this and why is it important?... READ MOREFebruary 4, 2017
FedEx Challenge-Video!
As part of our FedEx challenge, we have yet more words of wisdom from our venerable Alumni. This time... READ MOREJanuary 28, 2017