2018 – 2019

ON THIS TEAM: Ross Abrams, Alex Acker, Benjamin Acker, Matthias Baker, Abe Blumin, Caleb Boppre, Kameron Boser, Wyatt Chang, Thomas Dobrowits, Jem Emir, Joyce Essuman, Jamison Gaffney, Matthew Gauss, Brandon Gonzales, Octavia Grimes, Spencer Gronik, Gabriel Guralnick, Max Hampel, Charles Hartenstein, Emilie Haworth, Cassie Herda, Joseph Hill, Maxwell Jacobson, Mitchell Johnstone, Cameron Jungers, Leighton Kennedy, Paige Kieselburg, Shannon Killberg, Jordan King, Andrew Kline, Matthew Korfhage, Hannah Kovnar, Sam Kovnar, Maxwell Krug, Mason Lee, Svetlana Lerner, Aviva Levin, Philip Lewander, Christopher Lipscomb, Raevaughn Lord-Huertas, Nhut Ly, Yanni Ma, Michelle Markuson, Mustafa Maykhan, Tatiana McDowell, Elhadi Mohamed, Natanel Monosov, Ryan Mortonson, Caitlin Norton, Owen O’Donoghue, Langdon Oldenburg, Benjamin Orman, Ian Ormsby, Jonathan Parkes, John Paul Penoske, David Rector, Jacob Secunda, Alexander Stelzer, Autumn Stelzer, Justin Sturycz, Alexavier Sudemir, Megan Sullivan, Allan Synowicz, Thomas Vielmetti, Connor Vierk, Keagon Voigt, Khiem Vu, Quinlan Walinder, Daniel Whitney, Michael Wied, Gideon Woehl, Caspar Woehl-Sauvignon, Felix Woehl-Sauvignon, Louisa Wood, Konstantin Yenikeyeff-Plested, Amelia Zentner, and David Zhang.


This year, FIRST® is going farther than any FRC robot has gone before: Deep Space! This game features three separate ships that need to be loaded with cargo and hatches, as well as a multi-level endgame. Along with the brand new Sandstorm Period, this game is going to be an exciting challenge! To learn more about this game, watch the video below.